My bedroom has, and always will be my sanctuary. I think bedrooms are a really personal space, they're where you spend lazy sunday mornings, where you pace up and down before an interview, where you dance around in your underwear after a shower (come on girls, we've all been there)... and spend far too many hours crying over Leonardo Dicaprio films...
I've always lived in the same house since I was a little girl; a house which is still my countryside escape in the middle of a Warwickshire village. Since moving to London last year, I've realized the importance of having a proper 'bedroom' where I can feel fully at home. I'm a big dvd/scarf/cosmetic/candle hoarder and can't live without plants in my bedroom... A little bit of countryside in my city pad!
I hope this image captures how much of my wardrobe needs to go... I NEED AN OVERHAUL! |
Bit of a horror film fanatic... |
Bags ready and packed for a weekend at my boyfriend's in Colchester! Emergency umbrella and dinner shoes at the ready! |
Where the magic happens! Cheeky... |
Too much unused space in the right side of that wardrobe, at the moment it holds some winter jackets, a George Forman grill, my laundry basket, a fan and a wholesome collection of clutches and weekend totes. |
I am far too house proud for my own good and literally can't wait for the day I move into a proper house I can call my own! No more renting and not being able to put nails in the wall or hangers on the doors! Bliss... I've, very sadly, already made a list of the perfect thing's I want in my house... I'm thinking white fur rugs, candles in vases, fireplaces, huge fern plants in the white kitchen, a free-standing bath, grey and duck-egg blue accessories in the bedroom, white wicker.... you get the drift!