As a small (okay, perhaps rather larger) re-cap of the past few weeks:
Having drinks at Jamie Oliver's Union Jack in Covent Garden
Sat down making lists on lists on lists one December morning...
Mulled wine with the girls at the Birmingham Christmas Market
Boyfriend's house decorated all lovely for christmas
Went a bit mad with the baking over christmas
Little snippets of Christmas day including a welcome surprise in my stocking!
A walk on the beach in Sidmouth after christmas lunch...
The grand lunch (for three people)
New Year's Eve dinner in Leicester Sq
King Prawn Spaghetti, Beef Tagliatelle, Marinated Olives and Pinot Grigio Blush
Packing for skiing!!!
..... So I think that sums up my previous few weeks nicely (excluding being taken to Paris for my birthday - but that is far too long to cover)! There was a lot of countryside walks, impromptu shopping trips, seafood, travelling and far too much wine.
I'm so excited for what 2013 has in store...