The past two days have been a blur of Microsoft Word and module readings. I decided, yesterday afternoon, that I'd take a break after finishing my second essay... And what better way to enjoy a break than making a tiramisu?!
I rang my dad to double check the ingredients, made a list and headed off to Tesco! With a fridge full of marscapone, double cream, eggs and sponge fingers - I bit the bullet and began.
Lets just say the first attempt at homemade custard went horribly wrong. So once that was throw away, I began again, soaked the sponge in coffee and whipped (for what seemed like ten grueling hours) the cream into soft peaks.
Voila! I surprised my boyfriend with it when he came over (despite our huge plate of meatball tagliatelle he delved in). Bellisimo.
The weather here is playing up again (welcome to Britain I hear you say) - today is totting up at a sluggishly cold 8 degrees. Which, of course, means the jeans and jumpers are back out and the tea dresses have been put to the back of the wardrobe! Today, it's coffee and knitwear over iced tea and lace. C'mon sun...