'Had a party at mine and was trying to find everyone beds to leep in. There was a bed in the kitchen where the sink is. Chris Cardwell was going to sleep in it. That night, we were drawn where we were sleeping. Ad drew me as an Egyptian Pharo. Lev's bf turned up and he was Patrick's brother from the bus. He was playing christian grey? Caz kept askig me if Pete was defo not coming and I was sure he wasn't - earlier in the day soph came over to see me and Pete and she had cut her hair really short like shaved at the back (big at the front) - she'd had a hair transplant because it had thinned out so much. We were staing in a posh hotel - mum had a baby strapped onto her in a baby carried, she was called rochella. I was giving her lots of kisses. Me and mum and ad were looking through pics saying doesnt this look the splitting image of us from behind. Ad signed up for the play and I was walking through the hotel with her (we were going through wedding shops and balloon shops watching with mum) they couldn't fit us for dresses beacuse they were all for fat people. Denis said we couldn't eat anywhere in the hotel with wine as it was too expensive. I was following ad through these rides (5 ginger kids coming off a slide) - I lost hol so went back and beckoned her over, sharon followed. Ad said she quit the play and we went outside by the pool. They said put one hand out and one hand on the door - we were confused but I knew something was wrong. A german shepard pushed past my legs and I thought someone would get shot.
Got the tube or dlr / bus to a hotel on a hill- it was amazing, really luxe. They were holding the revolution there. I bumped into Liz senior with loads of shopping bags (selfridges etc) During the ceremony everyone (3000 people ish) were sat in the grounds watching a man speak. As he was talking I wasn't agreeing with it - a girl stood up and protested, I did too and then another girl followed. We flew up in the air and everyone was clapping us for standing up for the cause. We flew to a building top towards the back of the arena, it looked over the city at night and I shouted 'why did none if you come!'. We applied with a teacher (Winona Ryder?) who marked my purses to let us go through, she signed one with a biro and we were on our way to the airport- we got a lift- and we turned the wrong way at the bottom of the hill - I woke up before things turned nasty.
'Late at night and weird things kept happening in the sky (random bright flashed they would be blinding, shooting stars, patches of haze from galaxies) me and Pete were in the car en route to a town fete thing at night, like a carnival. On the way there we saw the whole world map in the sky and were confused - the radio was saying scientists are trying to figure out what it is - last year's weird astrophysics were due to a black hole. In some ways, the world was ending. We parked, and james brown plus chris cardwell were in the car next to us - I asked him about it and he didn't know. It got later and me and Pete were on our way home on a bus - chavs at the front - and i rang the buzzer to get out at my house. Mum was asleep, we went into my room it was like 9.20pm we were sort of heading back out but got comfy. In the dining room ads friend and she said ad had already gone home with a boy we were shocked. We tried to research what was going on in the sky.
'We were staying at a stately home during WWII part time there and part time in these 'bunks' where all WWII middle class staff stay. Pre call the midwife. My job was to be an au pair to a girl and boy ages 8 and 11 (i'd been doing it since they were young) I drove up and down to the house in a rusty jeep with other girls (nurses etc) There was an air raid and we all had to evacuate. Pete and me got into a car with the family I work for along side their friends. Someone strapped the boy in wrong and he had anxiety problems so I jumped in the back and calmed him down properly. I had my hand resting on the seat in front and Pete held onto it. At another countryside home where they stayed during the raids, it was full of staff (butlers, cooks, nurses etc) and their was a huge lily pond outside, the sun was shining and pete ran up behind and put his arms around me.'
Lived in world monsters inhabited a co existing world. Picture of a man in car with camera was clue to a murder. Went on investigation to find out what happened. They lived in the monster world. Out for drinks with my girl friends and a few monsters were there they were playing a throwing game with a scrunched up piece of paper, human joined in, sarcastic, and they killed him (vacuumed him up and ate him). I went to the monster world, big mall complex, went to eat an saw lerrece love (she'd converted to the monster land) - she smiled and carried on eating with her friends. Some monster boys came close to me and I didn't know what to order (got dried crepes but didn't have any so I went for watermelon for starters). When the food came it was unrecognisable as human food. Standing in new look (Stratford U-Avon high st) window at night, saw the car again, took pics tried to stay covert. Solving the murder, I stood at a sea front and tried to ring Jess biesok (couldn't see the screen properly). She said its a cold case don't bother we've got no leads. I said i'll take the reins then. Interview at BHs stairs (strat) the man who was involved in the murders had a gun and threatening to shoot two Asians, I was filming the whole thing.
'Late at night and weird things kept happening in the sky (random bright flashed they would be blinding, shooting stars, patches of haze from galaxies) me and Pete were in the car en route to a town fete thing at night, like a carnival. On the way there we saw the whole world map in the sky and were confused - the radio was saying scientists are trying to figure out what it is - last year's weird astrophysics were due to a black hole. In some ways, the world was ending. We parked, and james brown plus chris cardwell were in the car next to us - I asked him about it and he didn't know. It got later and me and Pete were on our way home on a bus - chavs at the front - and i rang the buzzer to get out at my house. Mum was asleep, we went into my room it was like 9.20pm we were sort of heading back out but got comfy. In the dining room ads friend and she said ad had already gone home with a boy we were shocked. We tried to research what was going on in the sky.
'We were staying at a stately home during WWII part time there and part time in these 'bunks' where all WWII middle class staff stay. Pre call the midwife. My job was to be an au pair to a girl and boy ages 8 and 11 (i'd been doing it since they were young) I drove up and down to the house in a rusty jeep with other girls (nurses etc) There was an air raid and we all had to evacuate. Pete and me got into a car with the family I work for along side their friends. Someone strapped the boy in wrong and he had anxiety problems so I jumped in the back and calmed him down properly. I had my hand resting on the seat in front and Pete held onto it. At another countryside home where they stayed during the raids, it was full of staff (butlers, cooks, nurses etc) and their was a huge lily pond outside, the sun was shining and pete ran up behind and put his arms around me.'