To say that October is a busy month is an understatement.* I've got Pete's birthday weekend, Soph's birthday weekend. A family meal for my birthday (two weeks early I might add), and two deadlines due in for the first week of November. In between this, I'm squeezing in flat-mate-date-night on Wednesday's, a trip to Holly's to put together Soph's present, lectures, Short-Hand evening classes on a monday, research for my legal report, compiling Soph's birthday videos, baking Pete a monstrous chocolate cake (this Bruce Bogtrotter in Matilda) and arrange my birthday meal/night out. Phew.
I've chosen to do Soph and Pete both boxes of treasures (using large gift boxes, lots of ribbon, tissue paper, tags and a glue gun!) which I've filled with their favorite things. For Soph, that means salted caramel Yankee Candles, a Zara Home photoframe, Marc Jacobs ltd edt Coke, stone & chalk coasters, Urban Outfitters books, Harrods Moroccan mint tea, Ann Summers Cheques etc... And for Pete, Calvin Klein socks, Frankie Boyle autobiography, David Beckham boxers, Body Shop face wash, Harrods Camomile tea. As well as these (because everyone likes something sneaky to open on their birthday!) I'm splitting champagne with chloe and holly (and something like a mani/pedi) for Soph, and put a voucher in Pete's card for a scuba dive with sharks at the BPA.
Can't believe my boy is going to be twenty four already, where does the time go!
*As much of an understatement as in saying Lindsay Lohan had a 'bad' 2009, or that the Irish are partial to a drink or two. Take your pick.
In other news, the flat has been autumnalfied (we snuck downstairs in the dark, scissors in hand, and wreaked havoc upon the lavander shrubs, tall grass and firey leaves), there are candles burning in every crevice, and the open plan living room always smells like some form of home baking. After finishing George Orwell's 1984 on holiday, I've started Tina Fey's autobiography, Bossypants, and started (bad habit) both Enduring Love and The Shining Girls. Anything to take my mind off the fact that me and Pete have finished season 2 of Luther - we couldn't resist!
Ps. if you've read up on zayn and perrie's wedding ideas and say you're not jealous I don't believe you. you are lying.