A Snug Little Halloween

This is the first halloween of my entire twenty-and-so years of living that I've stayed indoors; and to be perfectly honest, it's feeling quite bloody (geddit) lovely.
While I can hear people stumbling around in ripped bandages and fake blood outside, I'm sat here - in the warmth of my bedroom - candles ablaze about to kick the night off. Just to declare; I'm not staying in all night surgically attached to my laptop. Me and A are having flat-mate-date-night this evening which means two things...

1. Company with my favorite girl (watching her squirm at horror films)
2. Wine

Evidently, those are also two good reasons as to why I'm happier here - in flannel pyjamas, up to my eyes with snacks. We're hooking up the laptop to the television (for unlimited horror film usage) and have a big selection of DVDs to pick from, including one of my late favorites, Wolf Creek. All that's left now is tortilla dip that A's picking up on the way home in around fifteen minutes.
Seeing as I've got lots of coursework due in next week and Thorpe Park this weekend (do I sound excited enough?) I'm glad to just be relaxing and not out in the cold, potentially on public transport with hoards of beer-drinking-zombies and people dressed up for halloween (I'm on top form tonight).

In other news, I've become a little so obsessed with The White Company's winter collection. Incredible. I want everything. Candles, silk night gowns, reed diffusers and winter wear. Not to mention how adorable the kid's stuff is (like the fuzzy grey babies hat with little ears) - it literally is just the best thing ever. Oh, and recipes to make my family over the Christmas holidays! A and P are being my guinea pigs over the next few weeks until I can perfect slow cooked herb-crusted lamb, apple spiced lattice pie and the best rosemary roast potatoes known to mankind.

New bedroom layout
Snack galore
Crime scene cupcakes

Flannel Pj's
Naughty christmas candles 
recipe hunting and admiring The White Company


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